Warranty conditions
The manufacturer guarantees the trouble-free operation of all units and systems and the vehicle as a whole (upon registration of the vehicle’s warranty), which is operated on roads of the 1st category (Table 1) within 12 months provided that the customer observes the requirements for proper operation, maintenance, storage of the vehicle in accordance with the maintenance manual.
The customer has the right to warranty service during the warranty period, subject to the following conditions:
1. Timely warranty registration of the purchased machinery at an authorized service center. Each vehicle is registered with the help of the tear-off coupon of the Warranty Certificate. The tear-off coupon is filled in full and signed by the owner of the vehicle / warranty holder after the first maintenance (see the service manual) and sent to them to the appropriate address within 6 months after registration or putting into operation. In confirmation that Sespel undertakes warranty obligations, it informs the warranty holder the registration number of the relevant vehicle.
2. Compliance with the requirements of the Maintenance Manual and Warranty and Service Book, including the use of oils, lubricants and operating materials specified in the manual.
3. Observance of the maintenance intervals recommended in the Service Book in the certified centers and the presence of the appropriate marks in the Service Book.
4. The use of the vehicle as intended and the absence of any design changes without consent of the manufacturer.
This warranty does not cover tires and, correspondingly, wear parts (in particular, brake-shoe linings, brake drums, brake discs, brake shoes, shock absorbers, springs, half-springs, air suspension bellows, balancers and brackets) that depend on proper operation and maintenance, and also operating conditions.
The warranty does not cover defects caused by external forces, in case of improper maintenance, use of the vehicle for purposes other than intended, any design changes and replacing the failed parts with non-original ones.
The warranty does not cover maintenance work (tightening of fasteners, making adjustments, consumables for maintenance, diagnostics, cleaning of parts and components).
The warranty for the components is provided by the manufacturer of components: tires, wheel disks, hydraulic motors, pumps, compressors, electric motors, stop valves, electrical kits and support devices.
The warranty for air suspension is provided by the manufacturer of air suspension, subject to proper service.
The warranty does not cover a vehicle after an accident. The warranty does not cover self-opening or breaking of product seals.
If repair work is carried out during the warranty period, then the warranty on that part does not start from the beginning.
For a vehicle equipped with air suspension the warranty claims are considered by the manufacturer only if there is an act with TEBS system installed on this vehicle and upon presentation by the warranty holder of all the trip tickets indicating the used tractors. To take readings of TEBS system the warranty holder is obliged to provide the tractor operated with the vehicle.
In order for the plant to be able to determine the cause of the failure and replace the broken parts with the new ones, it is necessary to draw up an act indicating:
1. Time and place of drawing up the act;
2. Last names of the persons drawing up the act, indicating their positions;
3. Name and full postal address of the vehicle fleet;
4. The serial number of the vehicle;
5. Operating conditions (what kind of cargo was mainly transported, what kind of the roads);
6. The invoice number and a copy of the Act of acceptance and transfer of the vehicle according to which the vehicle was delivered from the plant or from the dealer;
7. Date of receipt of the vehicle;
8. The name of the defective part;
9. A detailed description of the defects, specifying the causes of these defects, and the circumstances under which they were found;
10. The conclusion of the commission which draws up the act about the causes of the defect. The commission should consist of persons familiar with the vehicle’s structure (automotive engineer, mechanic, etc.), garage manager and the competent representative of the third vehicle fleet.
In case the vehicle fleet detects a large number of defects or major defects, a plant representative should be called in. The Act must be drawn up within five days from the moment of defect detection and sent to the plant within 10 days from the date of its drawing up. Simultaneously with the act and the cover letter the vehicle fleets send to the plant defective parts with tags indicating the number of the vehicle.The detailed information on the warranty terms and policy is specified in the Maintenance Manual and Service Book included in delivery. For more information, please, call our customer support +7 8352 22 57 22.