Sespel tank trailer SF3340 has following technical characteristics: The dimensions are 11,5х2,55х3,78 m; The total weight of the fuel tanker reaches 42,300 kilograms; The load-carrying capacity is not lower than 34 400 kg; BPW axes base is the main element of the undercarriage on which the tank is installed.

The fuel tanks SF3340 are made of steel alloys with low alloying indexes. The tank is necessarily equipped with a vent valve, a stop valve and a filler neck. The capacity of the equipment is 40 cubic meters. The volume is divided into 5 or 4 compartments, with capacity 12; 10; 10; 8 m3.

In the tanker, it is possible to transport diesel fuel or gasoline, petroleum products belonging to the category of light fuel - the density of the substance is up to 860 kg per cubic meter. It is allowed to temporary store oil products in the tank with an additional set of pumps and fuel delivery units - a direct refuelling. The model SF3340 operates due to the transportation by the tractor with 6x4 wheel arrangement. The structure of a fuel tanker is self-supporting. Trailers are suitable for operation with cars MAZ, MAN, as well as with ZIL and other manufacturers.

Sespel company sells fuel trucks to Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don - and to other cities of Russia and CIS countries where the trade representatives of Sespel company are located. To clarify their addresses for purchasing modern Cheboksary machinery and seek for service help, please, refer to page Contacts .

  • Specifications

Fuel Tankers  - технические характеристики
Rated capacity, l 40000
Compartments 4 (12,3 м3/7,4 м3/9,5 м3/10,8 м3)
Total length, mm 11660
Height, mm 3780
Width, mm 2550
Wheel Base, mm 6795+1360+1360
The distance between axes, mm 1360
Wheels 385/65R22,5; 6+1
Total gross weight, kg 42250
Vertical load on the fifth wheel, kg 15250
Axle load, kg 27000
Payload, kg 34400
Curb weight, kg 7850

Engineer consultation

Our engineers will help you calculate the optimal load on the road according to the RF Government Regulation No. 12 dated 01.05.2015 for your cargo and your tractor for operation without overloading and fines.
Axle load calculation
Select one of the standard configurations.
Or contact our specialists and choose your own configuration.
The tank semi-trailer  SF3340_4S_12 for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1460 mm.
SF3340.4S_12, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1460 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  SF3340_4S_11 for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1460 mm.
SF3340.4S_11, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1460 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  SF3340_4S_10 for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1460 mm.
SF3340.4S_10, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1460 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  SF3340_4S_09 for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1460 mm.
SF3340.4S_09, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1460 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1460 mm.
SF3340.4S_08, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1460 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1450 mm.
SF3340.4S_07, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1450 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3. Number of compartments - 4. The fifth-wheel height is 1350-1450 mm.
SF3340.4S_06, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1350 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  for light oil products made of low alloy steel has volume 40 m3.
SF3340.4S_05, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1250 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer  for light oil products made of low alloy steel.
SF3340.4S_04, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1250 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer for light oil products made of low alloy steel.
SF3340.4S_03, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1450 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer SF3340.4S_02 for light oil products made of low alloy steel.
SF3340.4S_02, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1450 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
The tank semi-trailer SF3340.4S_01 for light oil products made of low alloy steel.
SF3340.4S_01, 40 m3, 4 compartments, fifth-wheel 1250 - ЗАО «Сеспель»
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